Android Architecture

In this tutorial you will learn about the Android Architecture and its application with practical example.

Android Architecture

Table Of Contents

Android is open source Linux based OS. This Linux-based software stack divided into five sections and four Layers as shown in the below Image.


1.Linux Kernel :Linux kernel exists at the root of android architecture. It manage all device drivers(like Audio,Binder,Display,Keypad,Bluetooth,Camera,USB,WIFI etc.) ,
Power Management ,Device management, Memory Management etc. Linux kernel is bottom layer in android Architecture.

2.Libraries :On the top of Linux kernel there are native libraries which includes SQLite, Libc, OpenGL, Webkit , Media etc.
SQLite is a light weight database for Android, Webkit is for browser support, Media is for audio video support.
3.Android Runtime: This section is available on Second Layer and third Section of Android Architecture. This section provides very important component i.e. DVM(Dalvik Virtual Machine)
Its like JVM(Java Virtual Machine) . DVM is designed and optimized for Android. It consume less memory and light weighted.

4. Android Framework: Third Layer and fourth section of Android Architecture is Android Framework. The Android Framework includes thefollowing Building Blocks of Android Application which are required for develop an App : Activity Manager, Content Providers , Resource Manager, Notification Manager, View System.

5.Applications: Last Layer of Android Architecture is Application, You will find all Applications at this Layer. Android Comes with core Apps like Contacts, SMS Messaging , Calendars, Browser, Email etc.


In this tutorial we have learn about the Android Architecture and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.