Laravel 8 Algolia Scout Full Text Search Tutorial Example

In this tutorial you will learn about the Laravel 8 Algolia Scout Full Text Search Tutorial Example and its application with practical example.

In this Laravel 8 Algolia Scout Full Text Search Tutorial I will show you how to integrate full-text search in a Laravel application using the Laravel Scout algolia library. In this tutorial you will learn to implementing full-text search for your Eloquent models using Algolia Scout full text search package.

The Algolia Scout package makes it easy to implement Full Text Search in laravel application. Algolia Scout automatically indexes and sync with your eloquent model for full-text search implementation. The Algolia Scout package is a powerful eloquent package that helps you develop fast full-text search functionality combining with your existing laravel models.

Laravel 8 Algolia Scout Full Text Search Tutorial Example

In this Laravel 8 Algolia Scout Full Text Search example, we will learn how to implement quick, responsive full-text search in laravel application using Algolia Scout Full Text Search package. Please follow the instruction given below:

  • Step 1: Create New Laravel Project
  • Step 2: Update Database Details in ENV
  • Step 3: Install Laravel Scout & Algolia Packages
  • Step 4: Set Up Algolia in Laravel
  • Step 5: Set Up Model and Migration
  • Step 6: Set Up Controller
  • Step 7: Create Routes
  • Step 8: Configure Blade View
  • Step 9: Run Laravel Project

Create New Laravel Project

First of all we need to create a fresh laravel project, download and install Laravel 8 using the below command

Setup Database Credentials

Now, lets create a MySQL database and connect it with laravel application. After creating database we need to set database credential in application’s .env file.

Install Laravel Scout & Algolia Packages

In this step, we will install Scout & Algolia Packages via the composer dependency manager. Use the following command to install Scout & Algolia Packages.

Now, use the following command to publish the scout.phpconfiguration file to your application’s config directory:

Next, update the following line of code into the .env file.

We also need to add the algolia search client package in laravel, Run the following command to install algolia search package.

Set Up Algolia in Laravel

In this step , we need to create an account to get the API keys on the Algolia website.

Set Up Model and Migration

Now, in this step we will create model and migration file. Please run the following command:

Now, go to app/Models/Product.php file and put the following code. We also need to import the scout Searchable service, and define the searchableAs() method.

Now, you need to open database/migrations/create_products_table.php file and add the following code inside the file.

Now, in this step we will create model and migration file. Please run the following command:

Create Controller By Artisan Command

Now, lets create a controller named TextSearchController using command given below –

The new controller has been generated, now head over to app\Http\Controllers\TextSearchController.php and add the following code.

Create Routes

After this, we need to define routes in “routes/web.php” file. Lets open “routes/web.php” file and add the following routes in it.


Create Blade View

In this step we will create the blade view file open the default welcome.blade.php file and add the following code.

Run Development Server

Now we are ready to run our example so lets start the development server using following artisan command –

Now, open the following URL in browser to see the output –

In this tutorial we have learn about the Laravel 8 Algolia Scout Full Text Search Tutorial Example and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.