Laravel 9 Resource Route Controller Example Tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn about the Laravel 9 Resource Route Controller Example Tutorial and its application with practical example.

In this Laravel 9 resource route, controller example tutorial I will show you how to create a resource route, controller, API resource route, and API resource controller in laravel 9. In this tutorial you will learn to create resource route, controller, API resource route and API resource controller in laravel. You will also learn to use resource controller and routes in laravel 9. In this article I will also show you how to create resource routes and controllers using the PHP artisan make command in laravel 9.

Laravel Resource Route and Controller

With laravel resource controller and resource route you can quick and easily CRUD operation in laravel. In order to create CRUD operation for any resource you have to create resource routes and controller. First you need to create resource route and then need to create resource controller to generate method for insert, update, view and delete operation for any resource.

Laravel 9 Resource Route Controller Example Tutorial

  • Controller Using Artisan Command
    • Create a Simple Controller
    • Create a Resource Controller
    • Create a Resource Controller with Model
  • Routes
    • Create Simple Routes
    • Create Resource Routes
  • API Controller and Routes

1:- Controller Using Artisan Command

Use the following command to create simple and resource controller in laravel 9.

Create a Simple Controller

Use the following artisan command to create simple controller in laravel:

The above command will create a simple controller file inside app/http/controllers directory. When you open newly created controller file it will look like:

Create a Resource Controller

Use the following artisan command to create resource controller in laravel:

The above command will create a resource controller file inside app/http/controllers directory. When you open newly created resource controller file it will look like:

The resource controller contains by default index (), create (), edit (), update (), destroy () method inside it.

Create a Resource Controller with Model

Use the following artisan command to create a resource controller with model file in laravel:

The above command will create resource controller along with a model file. The controller file has located inside app/http/controllers directory. And Model file is located inside app/Models directory.

If you open Model file, you will look like:

2:- Routes

Lets open “routes/web.php” file and add the following routes in it.

Create Simple Routes

Create Resource Routes

Then open terminal and run the following command on it:

The following command will display resource routes methods:

3:- API Controller and Routes

Create Resource Controller

Use the following artisan command to create a API resource controller:

The above command will create a simple controller file inside app/http/controllers/API directory. When you open newly created resource controller file it will look like:

Define Resource API Route

Lets open “routes/api.php” file and add the following routes in it.


In this tutorial we have learn about the Laravel 9 Resource Route Controller Example Tutorial and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.