In this tutorial you will learn about the Laravel Google Line Chart Example Tutorial From Scratch and its application with practical example.
In this Laravel Google Line Chart Example Tutorial I’ll will show how to use google line chart in laravel application. In this tutorial you will learn to implement google line char in laravel project. With Google Charts we can visualize data in your laravel web application. In this tutorialI’ll share example to demonstrate use of google line graph chart in laravel.
Laravel Google Line Chart Example Tutorial From Scratch
- Step 1: Install Laravel App
- Step 2: Add Database Details
- Step 3: Add Route
- Step 4: Create Controller
- Step 5: Create Blade File
- Step 6: Run Development Server
Step 1: Install Laravel App
First of all we need to create a fresh laravel project, download and install Laravel using the below command
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composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog |
Step 2: Add Database Detail
Now, lets create a MySQL database and connect it with laravel application. After creating database we need to set database credential in application’s .env file.
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DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=Enter_Your_Database_Name DB_USERNAME=Enter_Your_Database_Username DB_PASSWORD=Enter_Your_Database_Password |
Step 3: Add Route
After this, we need to define routes in “routes/web.php” file. Lets open “routes/web.php” file and add the following routes in it.
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Route::get("laravel-google-line-chart", "GoogleLineController@index"); |
Step 4: Create Controller
Now, lets create a controller named GoogleLineController using command given below –
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php artisan make:controller GoogleLineController |
Now, go to app/http/controller folder and open GoogleLineController.php. And put the following code into your GoogleLineController.php file:
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<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\User; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Redirect,Response; Use DB; use Carbon\Carbon; class GoogleLineController extends Controller { /** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $data['lineChart'] = User::select(\DB::raw("COUNT(*) as count"), \DB::raw("MONTHNAME(created_at) as month_name"),\DB::raw('max(created_at) as createdAt')) ->whereYear('created_at', date('Y')) ->groupBy('month_name') ->orderBy('createdAt') ->get(); return view('google-line-chart', $data); } } |
Step 5: Create Blade File
In this step, we will go to /resources/views/ folder and create a blade file name google-line-chart.blade.php. And put the following code into your google-line-chart.blade.php file:
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<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Laravel Google Line Graph Chart</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> <div class="container p-5"> <h5>Laravel Google Line Chart</h5> <div id="google-line-chart" style="width: 900px; height: 500px"></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['Month Name', 'Register Users Count'], @php foreach($lineChart as $d) { echo "['".$d->month_name."', ".$d->count."],"; } @endphp ]); var options = { title: 'Register Users Month Wise', curveType: 'function', legend: { position: 'bottom' } }; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('google-line-chart')); chart.draw(data, options); } </script> </body> </html> |
Step 6: Run Development Server
Now we are ready to run our example so lets start the development server using following artisan command –
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php artisan serve If you want to run the project diffrent port so use this below command php artisan serve --port=8080 |
Now, open the following URL in browser to see the output –
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http://localhost:8000/laravel-google-line-chart |