In this tutorial you will learn about the C Program to Add Two Numbers using Pointer and its application with practical example.
In this tutorial, we will learn to create a C program that will add two number using pointer in C programming.
Before starting with this tutorial we assume that you are best aware of the following C programming topics:
- C Operators.
- Basic input/output.
- Pointers.
- Basic C programming.
What Is Pointer?
A pointer variable are who hold the address of another variable.
i.e direct address of the memory location using &(address) operator.
C Program to Add Two Numbers using Pointer.
In this program first of all we take values from user and passes the address or value to the pointer variable and without using the actual variable we will calculate addition of them using pointer .let see the code now.
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#include <stdio.h> int main() { int a,b,*p1,*p2,add; printf("enter values of a and b"); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); // taking values from user p1=&a; // passing the address of values a p2=&b; // passing the address of values b add=*p1 + *p2; // calculating values. printf("additon of values =%d",add); // print result return 0; } |
In the program, we have 2 integer variables a and b and 2 pointer variables *p1 and *p2 . Now we assign the addresses of a and b to p1 and p2 receptively.
and then adding value of a and b using *p1 and *p2 into add.
variable p1 holds the address of variable a with &(address) operator and p2 holds the address of variable b. So here & operator provide the address of variables.
and with the help of *(Asterisk) operator we can access the value of given address using pointer variable.
as we can see in above image p1 holds the address of variable a and p2 holds the address of variable b and without using a and b we are adding the values of a and b using pointer.
So in this program we have calculate two values using pointer variables .