Dart Introduction

In this tutorial you will learn about the Dart Introduction and its application with practical example.

Dart Introduction

Dart is a modern general-purpose programming language originally developed by Google (designed by Lars Bak and Kasper Lund). Dart is a new programming language that appeared first time in 2007 and it’s latest stable version is released in June 2017. Not many people knows about Dart, the significant growth of Flutter made it more popular.

Table Of Contents

Dart is an open source programming language not only used for developing mobile applications but it is approved as a standard by Ecma and is used to build web, server, desktop, mobile applications and the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The Dart compiler come with its own Virtual Machine which allows Dart programs to run on every systems. When Dart is used in web applications, there is a dar2js compiler which transpile Dart code into optimized JavaScript code so it runs on all modern web browsers.

Dart is an object-oriented, class-based, optionally typed programming language and it also support mixin-base inheritance. Syntactically it looks quite similar to Java, which makes it easy to learn if you prefer Java as programming language. Likewise Java, it also has a final keyword, String Class, Object class, extends keyword, and many more. The Dart compiler also shows a warning and error like any other structured programming language.

Why Dart ?

  • Dart is cross-platform and supports all major operating systems.
  • It is open source and available with a BSD licence. It is recognised as an ECMA standard.
  • Dart is very stable and it can be used to build production quality real-time applications.
  • It is an object-oriented programming language with support for inheritance, interfaces and optional typing features.
  • The Dart code can be transcompiled into JavaScript using source-to-source compilation. There is a dar2js compiler which transpile Dart code into optimized JavaScript code that runs on all modern web browsers.
  • The Dart software development kit (SDK) ships with a stand-alone Dart VM, allowing Dart code to run in a command-line interface environment.
  • Dart can also be executed in AOT mode. AOT stands for Ahead-Of-Time compilation. In this mode, the Dart code can be directly converted into native machine code.


In this tutorial we have learn about the Dart Introduction and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.