Difference Between Linear vs Non-Linear Data Structure

In this tutorial you will learn about the Difference Between Linear vs Non-Linear Data Structure and its application with practical example.

Linear Vs Non-Linear Data Structure

Data structure is a way of storing or organizing of data in which the data items can be stored or organized in a definite manner in computer system , which can easily be used in an authentic manner at the time of  execution or access , here data and files are organized step by step.

What Is Linear Data Structure?

In this type of data structures , the data items or data material are stored in vertically or line wise manner, in this type of data structure the data are connected to one another in linear manner , for example : linked list , queue , stack and array.

What Is Non-Linear Data Structure?

In this type of data structures , the data items or data material are stored in non- mannered or unorganized pattern, in this type of data structure the data  or data items are connected to any  another data item in non linear manner , for example :  Trees and graphs.

Difference Between Linear vs Non-Linear Data Structure

Here the elements are attached sequentially or in linear manner. Here the elements are managed hierarchically or non-linear manner.
Each data and data items are so connected to each other in linear data structure. Due to non sequential presence the data item and data are not connected to each other which cause multiple runs for the program.
Easy implementation of data is possible in this data structure. Difficult and complexity of data are present in this data structure
Arrays, linked list, stack, are the types of a linear data structure. Trees and graphs are the types of a non-linear data structure.
Memory consumption and utilization is lengthy. Memory is utilized in a very efficient manner due to free data selection.
Linear data structures are mainly used for developing the software Non-linear data structures are used in image processing and Artificial Intelligence

In this tutorial we have learn about the Difference Between Linear vs Non-Linear Data Structure and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.