Go Installation

In this tutorial you will learn about the Go Installation and its application with practical example.

Go Installation

Installing Go Language In Windows

In order to setup Go Programming development environment you need to have Go installed, so if you don’t have it installed, check the following instruction to get Go Language installed. If you’ve already have installed Go Language in your system, you can skip this part.

Step 1:- Download the Go Language Setup from the official Go Language website, link given below –

Go Language Installation Windows 1

Step 2:- Run the installer (the .msi file you downloaded in the previous step.)

Go Language Installation 1

Step 3:- Follow the installation wizard to install Go.

Go Language Installation 2

Step 4:- Select the Installation path and click next.

Screenshot_3 Screenshot_4 Screenshot_5 Screenshot_6

Step 5:- Now, lets open the terminal and run the following command in order to verify the Go Language installation.

Go language installation 7

Go Language Installation In Mac OS using HomeBrew

Step 1:- Enter the following command to get a list of updated programs.

Step 2:- Now begin installation, by just typing following command.


if you get some error like failed with exit-2 or something like that, then you have to update/upgrade first using following commands –

Step 3:- Set Path for Go

If all process finish, then you need to set Go PATH to your .bashrc or .zshrc

Step 3:- Now, lets open the terminal and run the following command in order to verify the Go Language installation.

Go Installation in Ubuntu

Step 1:- GoLang is available on official package repository of Ubuntu, you need to update the package repository of your Ubuntu with the following command.

Step 2:- Now you can install GoLang from the official repository of Ubuntu, by just typing following command.

Step 3:- Now, lets open the terminal and run the following command in order to verify the Go Language installation.


In this tutorial we have learn about the Go Installation and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.