HTML Attributes

In this tutorial you will learn about the HTML Attributes and its application with practical example.

HTML Elements can have an optional list of modifiers added to the tag. This modifiers are known as HTML attributes, they defines the characteristics of the HTML Elements on which they are applied.

Whenever HTML Elements is rendered by browser, the attributes gives the more information about the appearance and the behavior the HTML Elements.

Attributes made of a name and a value pair separated by the equals (=) sign.


List of some of the Basic Attribute –

Attribute Attribute Values Description
align right, left, center This attribute specifie the horizontal alignment of an HTML element.
valign top, middle, bottom This attribute specifie the vertical alignment of an HTML element.
bgcolor numeric, hexidecimal, RGB values This attribute specifie background color for an HTML Element
background URL This attribute specifie background image for an HTML Element
id User Defined This attribute used to specify the unique identifier for the HTML Element.
class User Defined This attribute specifies the CSS Class for the HTML Elemetns.
width Numeric Value This attribute specifies the width of HTML Elemetns like tables, images, or table cells.
height Numeric Value This attribute specifies the height of HTML Elemetns like tables, images, or table cells.
title User Defined This attribute specifies title of HTML Elements.

In this tutorial we have learn about the HTML Attributes and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.