Swing JTextField

In this tutorial you will learn about the Swing JTextField and its application with practical example.

Swing JTextField

JTextField is a Lightweight single line component which allows user for editing. It extends JTextComponent and implements SwingConstants.

Table Of Contents


JTextField Class Declaration

JTextField Constructor

Some commonly useable constructors are listed below.

JTextField : This constructor is used to construct new Text Field.

JTextField(Document doc,String text, int columns): This constructor is used to construct a Text Field which used the given text storage model and the given number of columns.

JTextField(int columns) :This constructor is used to construct a empty Text Field with given number of columns.

JTextField(String text): This constructor is used to construct a Text field initialized with specific text.

JTextField(String text, int columns): This constructor is used to construct a Text field initialized with specific text and columns.

JTextField Methods

Some of Commonly useable methods are listed below.

void addActionListener(ActionListener l): This method is used to adds the specific action listener to receive action events from Text Field.

int getColumns(): This method is used to get number of columns of particular Text Field and return type is Integer.

Action getAction():This method is used to returns currently set Action .

int getHorizontalAlignement(): This method return integer value of horizontal alignment of the text.
void setFont(Font f): This method is used to sets the current font.

void setHorizontalAlignment(int aligment):This method is used to sets the horizontal alignment of text.

void removeActionListener(ActionListener listener): With the help of this method we can remove any specific listener so that text field Is no longer to receives any specific action events.

Example :-

Let’s do coding for Text Field, With the help of below program you can simply get understand about JTextField.


Create a class and put down below code into the class.

Output :-

Output of this code will look like below image.


This was simple article to get understand about JTextField. I Hope from this article you got clear idea about JTextField.

In this tutorial we have learn about the Swing JTextField and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.