Welcome to Julia Tutorial
Julia is an open-source, multi-platform, high-level, high-performance programming language widely used for statistical computing, data analytics, scientific research, data modeling, graphical representation and reporting. It is an open source programming language mainly designed for high performance scientific and numerical computation. Julia is dynamically typed programming language that support multiple dispatch, parallel and distributed computing. Julia has an LLVM-based JIT compiler which gives high performance without the typical need of separate compilation.
This Julia programming tutorial is comprehensive guide for programming in Julia, this tutorial introduces you basic to advance Julia programming concepts. Follow it step-by-step, reading the text and running the sample programs.
This tutorial is mainly designed for programmers, data scientist, statisticians and data miners interested in developing a high performance statistical and numerical computation application using Julia programming language.
Before starting with this Julia tutorial, very basic knowledge of programming will be assumed. It’s better if you already had exposure to any programming language like C, Python, Lisp etc.