In this tutorial you will learn about the MongoDB Pros and Cons and its application with practical example.
MongoDB Advantages (Pros)
- In MongoDB, it is easy to replicate database across multiple distributed data centers, which results in increased availability.
- Auto sharding feature of MongoDB makes it highly scalable.
- It uses dynamic and flexible schema, means you need not to specify schema beforehand.
- There is no need of conversion/mapping of database objects to application objects.
- You can apply indexing on any field in a document, it improves the query performance.
- It support instant, safe and automatic failure recovery.
- It support automatic load balancing.
- It facilitate deep query-ability on documents.
- There are no complex joins in MongoDB.
- Built in support for Geospatial/Location Data.
- Powerful Document-based query language.
- Easy to integrate with BigData Hadoop.
MongoDB Disadvantages (Cons)
- It does not support transaction
- No support for join operation
- It does not support function or stored procedure.
- Consumes internal memory