R Switch Statement

In this tutorial you will learn about the R Switch Statement and its application with practical example.

R Switch Statement

In R, switch statement evaluates equality of an variable/expression value against multiple case values in order to identify the block of code to be executed.

Table Of Contents


Here, expression values is tested against multiple case values (case1, case2, case3…., caseN)

The following rules apply to a switch statement –

  • If the expression value is not a character string it is coerced to integer.
  • In switch you are allowed to have any number of case statements.
  • If there is more than one match, the first matching element is returned.
  • There is no default value/case is available.
  • If no match found and there is an unnamed element, its value is returned.





In this tutorial we have learn about the R Switch Statement and its application with practical example. I hope you will like this tutorial.